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- «c1»By Fishwave/Scoopex^DCS«»
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- «as»«c7»The scene needs debates. Debates about demos, about the structures of the scene and about individual people. Such
- debates take place on the IRC, in personal discussions or in «c6»diskmags. «c7»As for the latter, diskmags in particular
- can spread «c6»a scener's point of view «c7»all over the scenish populated world. No matter whether "his" point of view
- is right or wrong, if such a differentiation is possible after all. One could fear that people abuse diskmags
- to brainwash the readers. Usually that's not the case, since diskmags are open for all sceners and thus pros
- and cons are confronted and fight out the discussion.«»
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- Well, that's how it uses to be on «c6»Amiga «c7»actually. The diskmag culture is still strong on this platform and we
- still got rules - «c6»unwritten scene law! «c7»On the PC some things however work different. There the scene got one
- absolutely dominating magazine - «c6»Hugi. «c7»Practically seen it is the only mouthpiece for all those who got some
- opinions for the public. With such a status the editorial staff should take care of what is written on their
- pages - it's too easy to abuse this power.«»
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- And that's what they did! Or better what he did: well known «c6»Magic of Nah-Kolor. «c7»The evil seducer who tries
- to deceive sceners and take profit of it. As said, «c6»on Amiga such foul play doesn't work «c7»- so what does Magic do?
- He settles over to the PC and infiltrates «c6»Hugi. «c7»Let him go many might think, finally he's off the Amiga scene now
- he got no more mag to write for. The problem is that Magic continues to write about the Amiga - in Hugi, the
- PC diskmag. Ain't that absurd? What do these PC guys care about Amiga? Especially, what do they care about
- Magic's personal wars? You see, «c6»this guy has gone mad.«»
- «»
- «c7»In the latest issue of Hugi Magic starts his «c6»new battle «c7»against the makers of Devotion. HIS former diskmag that
- was stolen by Wade and Sane with help of Ghandy and me, Fishwave. He states that the ex. Seenpoint staff couldn't
- wait to take over Devotion for being such a marvellous magazine. He further says, that he really feels honored by the
- behaviour of the ex. Seenpoint staff, those «c6»"arrogant assholes who think they're top of the cream" «c7»(to speak with Magic's
- thoughts).«»
- Usually the people that have been accused wouldn't care, me included. I don't mind Magic's lies, I don't mind
- his twisted thoughts. But to speak the truth: «c6»Seenpoint and Devotion ain't twins. «c7»These two magazine have nothing
- in common. Especially I never was truly involved in this project. My articles were written one week before
- the deadline, so neither did I take part in the organisation nor did I have decent influence on the content and thus
- the image of Devotion. As for Seenpoint I was the (cruel) dictator. Therefore I simply cannot accept Magic's
- statement that I (Seenpoint) took over Devotion, cause my interest in Devotion was and is zero. «c6»Magic drags Seenpoint's
- name in the mud, and I won't accept that!«»
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- «c7»But hey, why such crying for a dead magazine? No, that's not the point. As I said Magic's "criticism" was published
- in Hugi. Furthermore he got main-ed «c6»Adok «c7»on his side who seemingly was convinced of Magic's "arguments". The consequence
- is that those two guys, with THE PC magazine, run «c6»propaganda «c7»against us, a bunch of Amiga sceners. PC sceners
- who don't know the Amiga scene, or to be precisely: do not have the possibilities to check out e.g. Amiga magazines,
- simply gotta believe the lines in Hugi. There is a clear improper use of their position.«»
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- Personally, if I ever should start a new diskmag it would be on PC. And I certainly don't need negative lies about me
- spread by Magic. Furthermore, everyone who doesn't share Magic's opinion might suffer from his new job at Hugi. I think
- Magic has crossed the line. He has broken the rules. Luckily I am reading Hugi, eventhough it doesn't belong to the scene
- I participate in. Otherwise I wouldn't have know any of the «c6»Magic's mud throwing. «c7»But you could be the next - and
- you even don't have a clue about it!«»
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